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The Free CheckWise App

The CheckWise app improves the quality of life for food allergy and contact allergy sufferers by making shopping easier and safer. Products can be easily scanned and the user receives instant feedback on whether the product contains the selected allergens.

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Important articles of interest

in German

Professional associations criticize the care of allergy sufferers

Allergists criticize massive deficits in the care and support of the approximately 25 million allergy sufferers in Germany.

Labeling requirement for allergens in food products

The 14 most common triggers of allergies and intolerances must always be stated.

additives and

E-numbers at a glance

Here are all additives with

E-numbers listed,

added to the food

may be.

Contact allergy: fragrances are omnipresent

Fragrances with allergy potential are widespread. They can be found in cosmetics and household products, among other things.


Everything important about allergies from A-Z explained in our allergy dictionary.

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